Labor & Delivery
Agape Birth Services
Agape's encouraging 3-person birth team will guide you through every stage of labor, delivery, your first skin-to-skin contact, and breastfeeding. Throughout the duration of labor, your team will perform assessments of maternal and fetal health, do any necessary perineal evaluations following birth, encourage bonding and the initiation of breastfeeding. Your birthing team will also comfort your newborn with an herbal bath, as well as perform more assessments of you and your baby following the full delivery
The Birthing Process
The Birthing Process
The Birthing Process
The midwives at Agape will encourage family members to be involved in the labor and birthing process. We value love and support through the entire duration, making you feel safe and secure surrounded by those who care deeply for you.
Following delivery, an evaluation will be done of your perineum. If there are any lacerations, a repair is done in the comfort of your home.
Birth vision doesn't start at 37 weeks. It's discussed throughout pregnancy and again at the 37 week home visit

The Birthing Process
Erythromycin is a antibiotic used to treat infections of the eye or to prevent eye infections to your newborn after delivery. Our midwives have Erythromycin on hand at your birth which will then be distributed to your newborn per your request. Vitamin K is used to help newborns form clots to prevent VKDB (Vitamin K Â Deficiency Bleeding) soon after delivery. Your midwives will assist in the distribution of the necessary antibiotics and vitamins per your preference or request while you bond with your new babyÂ

Agape Birth Services
The Birthing Process
At Agape, your Midwives encourage skin to skin contact immediately after delivery. Continuous skin to skin promotes the necessary bonding that will encourage the initiation of breast feeding. To protect your baby after immediate delivery, your Midwives use delayed cord clamping to assist with the transition as your baby begins to breathe on their own.
Rhoda Baughman, Midwife

The Birthing Process
The Birthing Process
The Birthing Process
The newborn screening is a special set of three screens that help identify babies who are at risk for certain conditions. A newborn baby may look healthy, but can have a serious condition that cannot be seen. These conditions can be treated if found early. Currently, Indiana screens for metabolic conditions, sickle cell disease, cystic fibrosis, congenital hearing loss, lysosomal storage disorders, among other conditions. This is done at 24-48 hours post partum.
After delivery, your Midwives will help position and latch your newborn. We also assess for lip and tongue ties and referrals for revision is given when needed
Shortly after delivery you and your newborn will be moved to an herbal bath. The herbal bath is healing for your tired, sore muscles and promotes healing of the perineum. The herbal bath is a great time to connect with your baby, nurse, and for you to have a nutritious snack to help in your recovery
Agape Birth Services
The Birthing Process
As a brand new mom, you are experiencing so many new sensations, feelings, and memories. We cherish them right alongside you as you learn more about your baby and your first steps into motherhood. After the birthing process, we are available and here for you as you navigate postpartum. Postpartum follow up appointments begin within the first 24-48 hours and throughout the duration of 6 weeks